Roof guardrail: How to make the right choice?


Both inside and outside a building, guardrails are essential equipment for ensuring safety when a certain height is present. Their primary function is fall prevention. On job sites, this type of equipment lets you mark off a specific area. Guardrails can therefore usually be found on roofs, staircases, patios, balconies, scaffolding, or around any empty space. What is the best guardrail choice on a roof?

Choosing a guardrail for a roof

The choice of guardrail should take the shapes and dimensions of the roof into account, as well as the material and its different properties. If the choice is vast, the selection must be made according to specific criteria. For a company that performs various jobs on various work sites, a guardrail should be chosen based on its flexibility. Indeed, a removable and self-supporting guardrail will be much more advantageous for these types of needs, because it’s temporary and transportable without requiring much manoeuvring to be moved.

Choosing a guardrail: aesthetics and materials

Many materials are used to manufacture guardrails. The self-supporting aluminum guardrail with rubber base is greatly appreciated for its high adhesion, durability, and resistance to rust and most sources of deterioration. Indeed, these materials are resistant to harsh weather, extreme temperatures, and deteriorations caused by moisture. Aluminum and rubber also guarantee an inimitable design for roof protection that isn’t visually shocking and that gives a sleek look for many years. The design quality of this type of guardrail is its main asset.

Choosing a guardrail: comply with the standards

A guardrail must absolutely be chosen according to the applicable standards. In Quebec, your guardrail must follow NBCC and CNESST standards very strictly. To be sure that you’re making the right choice in terms of legality and protection, it’s best to choose a guardrail manufactured in Quebec. This ensures that you are acquiring a sturdy and sufficiently safe element. You should also know that different additional elements will guarantee the proper installation of a guardrail and that there are specifics depending on the product.

  • A guardrail on a balcony, patio, or roof must have a minimum height of 900 mm (36 inches). When the top of a balcony is located more than 1800 mm (6 feet) above the ground, a guardrail must be at least 1070 mm (42 inches). A guardrail must not have elements that facilitate climbing. For the rest, railing creators can give free rein to their imagination. Tempered or laminated glass panels are allowed, as long as they are manufactured according to the safety requirements of the Code.

Choosing a guardrail: rely on professionals

A professional company and qualified people must be privileged when choosing your guardrail. Professionals have the necessary knowledge to give you a proper explanation regarding the safety required when installing the guardrail – especially the first time! Professional expertise also allows them to provide you with valuable additional advice on the material to choose or the accessories to provide for your roof or for the stairs and stepladders that may lead to it.

For more information about our guardrails, contact us!


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roof guardrails, self-supporting
