Return on Our Experience at the Annual CSC Congress in Montreal


During the month of May, we participated in a major event: the annual conference and exhibition organized by the Construction Specifications Canada (CSC). This event was an opportunity to discuss numerous projects and discover the latest innovations in the field of construction and architecture.

Over these two days filled with exchanges, we had the pleasure of meeting many architects and specifiers from across Canada. These meetings allowed us to present our Delta Prevention products, which play a crucial role in securing architectural projects. Through in-depth discussions, we were able to explain the importance of our products and demonstrate how they can be effectively integrated into the participants’ projects. Our solutions, designed to prevent accidents and improve roof safety, generated significant interest. We are confident that these new contacts will help strengthen our market presence and contribute to the realization of ever safer and more innovative projects.

Discussions with Architects and Specifiers

Our discussions mainly focused on the integration of our products into the participants’ architectural projects, particularly on whether they should be included in section 05, 07, or another specific section of the construction specifications. These exchanges allowed us to clarify this crucial point with some interested parties, thus facilitating the future integration of our products by these professionals. The physical presence of our products on-site was also a major asset, allowing visitors to see firsthand the sturdiness and performance of our guardrails. In summary, these professional interactions were particularly relevant, providing architects and specifiers with the necessary information to effectively integrate our solutions into their projects.

Why Our Presence Was Relevant at This Event

The pertinent discussions we had greatly enriched the visitors’ knowledge of Delta Prevention products. By maintaining our commitment to this association and cultivating good relationships with architects and specifiers, we strengthen our market position. Our presence at this event not only allowed visitors to remember Delta Prevention and our products but also highlighted our commitment to their association. This ensures continued recognition and increased trust from industry professionals.

In short, our participation at this event was a great success. We have gained new knowledge and valuable contacts, ready to continue our mission of prevention and safety in the construction sector in Canada.


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