When Is Fall Protection Required in Canada?

fall prevention

Fall protection becomes necessary as soon as you are working on a roof, whether it’s flat or sloping. Each year, the statistics prove this. Many fatal injuries and accidents could have been avoided if appropriate preventive measures had been implemented. It is therefore crucial to protect workers from falls to prevent a tragedy. 

But where exactly should you use fall protection systems? Our experts are pleased to offer you their expertise on this subject. Here are the places that are most conducive to accidents, as well as the best tools to protect you from falls.

Fall Protection for Extension Ladders

We would tend to believe that an extension ladder is safe. Unfortunately, many accidents happen on these ladders. In addition to a slippery surface and missing a step, the lack of stability of extension ladders is responsible for many injuries.

To protect workers who use this type of ladder to access a roof, you can use an extension ladder stabilizer. The stabilizer ensures the safety of the workers and can be installed without perforations on roofs with or without parapets. It’s also possible to install it permanently or temporarily, according to your needs. You can install this fall protection system quickly thanks to its non-penetrating installation.

Flat Roofs: More Dangerous Than You Might Think

While it’s true that working on sloping roofs is dangerous for falls, you shouldn’t believe that flat roofs are without faults on this side. Accidents happen fast, and a fall from a flat roof is just as dangerous as a fall from a sloping roof. Fortunately, there are several solutions to protect workers who carry out work on flat roofs. Here are some of our solutions.

Fall Protection System for Flat Roofs: Freestanding Guardrails

Our most effective solution for preventing falls from a flat roof is installing a freestanding guardrail system. Why opt for a freestanding guardrail system? There are several reasons that justify this choice.

First, the fact that they are freestanding is an undeniable advantage. They can be installed quickly and moved, and they require no perforation of the roof. There is therefore no risk of water infiltration, and you offer your workers unparalleled protection against falls.

Other Fall Protection Systems

In addition to ladder stabilizers and freestanding guardrails, there are also several other options to protect workers who carry out work on your roof. Here are a few examples:

  • Temporary guardrail system: Ideal for short-term work or construction sites, the temporary guardrail system protects workers for the entire duration of the work. Many people make the mistake of installing wooden guardrails, knowing that these guardrails are not compliant. A temporary system such as the one offered by Delta Prevention meets all Canadian OHS standards.
  • A VSS SafetyLine permanent warning line meets provincial OHS standards as well as OSHA standards.
  • Guardrail systems for access ladders, access hatches, skylights, and light shafts.

If you need help figuring out which fall protection to choose, contact us. Our experts in fall protection systems will be pleased to provide you with their expertise.


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fall protection, rooftop safety, Standards
