This Drummondville plant gives priority to collective fall protection.

Case Study

Olymel’s production plant in Drummondville offers its workers and subcontractors a collective fall protection solution.

Initial Situation

Located in Drummondville, the Olymel plant contacted the MSK Canada, a Canadian distributor of Delta Prevention products, to protect its employees and subcontractors working on the roof. It is thanks to the excellent reputation of Delta Prevention in roof railing that the project manager at Olymel chose the Quebec manufacturer of fall protection equipment.

The Problem

Many of the HVAC units on the plant roof are located on the roof edge. A problematic situation since the Occupational Health and Safety Regulation (OHSR) stipulates that «guardrails must be placed on open sides of a roof or around any area from which workers may fall: […] a height greater than 3 m in other cases». According to this regulation, it is also necessary to take into consideration the ladders that allow access to the roof. The protection of the ladder is very important, since movement around the ladders is frequent and the risk of falling is high.

The Solution

After a tour of the roof, MSK Canada proposed to the manager a complete layout that would protect all areas at risk of falling, i.e. the HVAC units at the roof edge and the two access ladders. For access points, MSK Canada chooses the Delta Prevention ladder protection package. For the perimeter, a combination of the VSS Classic and VSS Compact guardrails is used depending on the available space and the situation to be corrected. The result is permanent and durable protection.

Final Situation

With this guardrail installation, the Olymel plant eliminates the need for training in the use of the harness and protects visitors to the roof at all times. The building now meets current standards and everyone can safely perform their daily tasks.

To find out if this solution applies to your reality, contact our customer service department.

Delta Prevention is a manufacturer of non-penetrating fall protection equipment for rooftop. With innovative materials and industry leading versatility, Delta Prevention’s VSS System is the safest and most durable collective fall protection system on the market. Visit our website at


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