Delta Prevention’s non-penetrating Guardrails Redefine Safety on the Roof of a Long-term Care Home in Edmonton

The installation of collective fall protection on the roof of a kitchen in a long-term care home in Edmonton reflects Delta Prevention’s commitment to the safety of workers at heights. Indeed, the roof of this essential institution is now protected by Delta Prevention’s non-penetrating guardrails, pushing the boundaries of safety in the workplace.

Complete Protection

One important aspect of this project is that the roof is now protected along the entire perimeter. The non-penetrating guardrails have been strategically positioned to fully surround the area, ensuring complete protection. Previously, elements such as mechanical units, chimneys, ventilation docks, and similar components scattered across the roof posing fall risks. Because of the Delta Prevention’s non-penetrating guardrail system, these challenges are no longer sources of concern. Workers can now operate safely around these elements, thereby enhancing operational efficiency and productivity.

Accessibility Challenge

Roof accessibility also posed a safety challenge. Nothing was protecting the workers at the exit of the ladder. The addition of non-penetrating guardrails now ensures that the ladder, often considered a critical point, is secure and easily accessible for all.

Customized for Safety

Delta Prevention also adapted one of its freestanding guardrails to bypass a ventilation unit that would eventually be installed. A freestanding guardrail was installed cantilevered, in order to accommodate the dimensions and future location of the unit. All of this was done without compromising the safety of maintenance personnel.


This project in Edmonton demonstrates that Delta Prevention’s non-penetrating guardrails go beyond mere compliance with safety standards. They redefine industry standards by offering complete and adaptable protection, transforming workplaces into secure spaces where workers can confidently carry out their tasks.